Sensex -Nifty Astrology Predictions (24.11.2014)

Planets position on 24th November 2014 at 09:15am at Mumbai

Stock market predictions for 24.11.2014

Lagna & Mars in Sagittarius
Sun, Moon, Venus & Saturn in Scorpio
Ketu in Pisces
Jupiter in Cancer
Rahu in Virgo
Mercury in Libra

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Planetary Aspects

Sun conjoins Saturn. Moon trines Jupiter & sextiles Rahu. Mars Sextiles Mercury & Saturn and squares Rahu. Mercury squares Jupiter.

Tithi: Shukla Dwitiya
Nakshatra: Jyeshtha
Navamsha: Pisces

Moon at 9:15 am signifies cusps numbers 8 & 12 through placement and lordship. Moon in the star of Mercury and sub of Saturn.

Investment at lower level will take place till 1pm in blue chip companies.

Persons having Sagittarius & Aries Moon signs/Lagna (ascendant) may get financially affected today. They should refrain from money matters today.

We suggest the readers not to indulge in any kind of speculation like day trading, but invest astrologically as per their individual horoscopes for long term to gain profits.

Disclaimer: The predictions made herein are for information purposes and are not recommendations to any person to buy or sell any securities. We only use astrological analysis, so target are not based on any technical or fundamental analysis but only on the experience of an astrologer. Its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. The information provided herein is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities of any kind. The Astrologer and the company do not accept any liability for the use of this column. Readers of this column who buy or sell securities based on the information in this column are solely responsible for their actions. And author won't be liable or responsible for any legal or financial losses made by anyone.

By Rajeev K. Khattar

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